Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Red Elephant

Red Elephant
By Josh Montgomery 
& Grant Leslie

As we plunge,
art, imagination. 
Dreams, but wonder; 
fanciful imagery. 
Red Elephant

Clay cakes our fingers
graphite coats our toenails
our mind is painted on the canvas 
of the universe
Red Elephant

Pencils fly
the room of mind's eye
mind I, mind thy
mind trust, mind us.
Red Elephant

Time bends, time swells
I can't even tell
where I, eye belong
lets pitch a tent
Red Elephant

Whisper soft melodies.
Title the script of the soul.
Red exclaims he,
Elephant yells another.
Red Elephant

The oceans of imagination
engulf our very being.
we wild 
party on young flower child 
let thy soul fly free 
Red Elephant

Achoo. Achoo.
Train of laughter softens
the reign of Elizabeth.
Not here.
Red Elephant

Hear ye Hear ye
the king has spoken
have some tea
lets pitch a tent
Red Elephant

Slay the dragon of insecurity.
Guard the gold of trust.
Liquidate all uncertain fingers
Let them choose the brush
Let them choose the brush
Red Elephant

Some nights the stars burn.
Other nights they kiss the earth.
The universe bends at our will.
Don't eat the window sill,
The earth doth he till. 
Plants will grow,
Tonight we dine.
Let us pitch a tent.
Red Elephant.

A letter from the authors:

"As one can presume this was a collaborative piece.  we tried to capture the ambiguity of life using the limited vocabulary of our ancestors.  Our inspiration came from the common people who view life through a different lens. This said lens sees the world with wonder,  imagination, and fanciful imagery. We incorporated a day in art class. A class of these described beings, all gathered in a 'tent' of 'mind's eye'."

- Grant Leslie & Josh Montgomery

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