Monday, April 6, 2015

Fine Arts Fiesta Announcement


April 23rd from 4-8pm
Fine Arts Fiesta
SACS Student Life Center
!all proceeds benefit summer missions!

$10 gets you:

- Treat from the Missions table
- 1 cascarone
- Admission to the talent show

What will there be??

-Food truck
-Missions treat table
-Video booth
-Art making stations
-Art viewing
-Talent show (6-8)

High School students welcome to try out for the talent show during lunch April 7-10th



My photo
This is the SACS Fine Arts blog where you will get the week-to-week scoop about what's happening in various fine arts classes. There are a plethora of posts from "How-To's" to "#tbt" to just general "what's happening". Subscribe to get updates on new posts!